当前位置:本站首页 > 同步教材 > 小学 > 英语 > 新概念英语青少版 > 5A > 电子课本
  • Unit 1 The end of a dream
  • Unit 2 Taken for a ride
  • Unit 3 Reward for virtue
  • Unit 4 A pretty carpet
  • Unit 5 Hot snake
  • Unit 6 Sticky fingers
  • Unit 7 Not a gold mine
  • Unit 8 Faster than sound!
  • Unit 9 Can I help you, madam?
  • Unit 10 A blessing in disguise?
  • Unit 11 In or out?
  • Unit 12 The future
  • Unit 13 Bad language
  • Unit 14 After the fire
  • Unit 15 She was not amused
  • Unit 16 The Channel Tunnel
  • Unit 17 Jumbo versus the police
  • Unit 18 Sweet as honey!
  • Unit 19 Volcanoes
  • Unit 20 Persistent
  • Unit 21 But not murder!
  • Unit 22 Red for danger
  • Unit 23 A famous clock
  • Unit 24 A car called Bluebird

  • 学段:小学
  • 科目:英语
  • 版本:新概念英语青少版
  • 册次:5A
  • 课本:义务教育教科书
  • 备注:完整原版电子课本高清无水印